東京・大阪のゲストハウス&マンスリーマンション英語対応賃貸物件情報サイト : 外国人ハウス&ルームシェア/ハウスシェアを東京・大阪(関東・関西)で!
ゲストハウス YOKOSOP

J&F Plaza 暮らしの安全


1.防犯(クライムCrime プリヴェンションPrevention)
Crimes that tend to occur frequently in multi-household complexes include burglaries while the occupants are out, and sexual assault. You should pay special attention to the following:
Lock up securely, and make use of the peephole and door chain.
Make a habit of keeping closely in touch with your neighbors, let them know when you are going to be away, and so on.
At night, women and children should avoid using the elevators alone.
Be particularly alert if you see a stranger on the premises.
(1)日常の注意(Daily care)
To prevent fires, be careful of the following:

Do not smoke in bed

Extinguish all flames before leaving the kitchen.

Be careful about heating an empty bathtub.

Do not place any combustibles near the gas range (stove).

The hatch and dividing partitions on the balcony serve as emergency evacuation Never leave objects close to a hatch or partition.
(2)消火と避難(Fire extinguishing procedures)
Small fires can be extinguished by covering them with a wet towel, or covering them with a Futon or blanket and then pouring water on it.
Fire extinguisher is handled as follows. Squirting at fire source is more effective than doing over flames.
1.安全栓を引き抜きます Pull the stopper off
2.ノズルを火元に向けます Direct the nozzle at the fire
3.レバーを強く握ります Squeeze the lever
If a fire breaks out nearby, close your doors and windows to keep out smoke and flames, then dial 119 immediately.
Because smoke (caused by fires) rises, escape in a low position, putting a wet towel or handkerchief to your mouth. Breathe through the wet towel or handkerchief to avoid inhaling the smoke.

If an earthquake occurs, do not rush out to the corridor or stairs. Rushing out in a panic is dangerous. Remain calm, and turn off all sources of fire immediately. If a fire breaks out, extinguish it.

Turn off a gas range at the main, oil-heater, electric fittings, and pull outlets off, too.
When you shelter, avoid brick wall and narrow alley, and protect your head and body with a futon and so on.
(1)備蓄の目安(Emergency supplies)
Keep on hand an emergency supply of drinking water, food, medicine, disaster-prevention articles, etc.

1.飲料水  最低でも1人1日3リットルが必要。3日分位を用意すると安心。
Drinking water・・・At least 3L a day per person is needed. Prepare for 3

2.食料  米、もちなどの主食の他、副食として缶詰、レトルト食品など
Food・・・Rice as staple diet, cans and retort pouches as side dish

3.燃料  卓上用こんろ、予備ボンベ、固形燃料など
Fuel・・・desktop gas range, spare gas cylinders ,and solid fuels, etc...

4.照明  懐中電灯、予備電池
Light・・・flashlight, spare batteries.

5.工具類 のこぎり、バール、ロープ、簡単な日曜大工セットなど
Tools・・・saw, crowbar, rope, carpenter's kit, etc...

6.その他 毛布、軍手、カート(ポリタンクや荷物を運ぶ時に使う)、自転車
Others・・・blanket, work glove, cart(to carry baggage), bicycle, dry shampoo, etc...
(2)非常持ち出し品リスト(List of goods to take when travelling during an emergency)
Prepare the following in a backpack

1.食料関係 水、乾パン、レトルト食品、缶詰、ナイフ
Food・・・Water, hardtacks, retort pouches, cans and knife

2.救急関係 救急医薬品、常備薬、防災頭巾、ぼうし
First-aid kit・・・medicine, hood, cap

3.貴重品  現金、印鑑、預金通帳
Valuables・・・cash, signet, bankbook, ID(passport, Foreign Resident
Registration Card

4.衣類等  下着、寝袋、雨具、タオル
Clothing・・・underwear, sleeping bag, rainwear, towel

5.日用品  ラジオ、懐中電灯、予備電池、軍手、ロープ、マッチやライター、使い捨てカイロ、防塵マスク、生理用品、紙おむつ、ティッシュ、ウェットティッシュ、包装用ラップ、筆記用具、厚手のゴミ袋、
Commodities・・・radio, flashlight, spare batteries, work glove, rope, matches or lighters,Body warmers, thermal mask, sanitary napkins, disposable,diapers, tissues,Wet tissues, plastic wrap, stationery, trash bag

6.その他  底の厚い靴、スリッパ、ホイッスル、入れ歯など
Others・・・shoes with thick sole, slippers, whistle, false teeth

(3)家具転倒防止の工夫 To prevent furniture from falling during an earthquake
Most injuries that occur during earthquakes are cased by furnishings and appliances falling over. Even if a building itself is ok, there are many people who are crushed under heavy appliances and furnishings: refrigerators, large bookshelves, cabinets, etc... It is important to fix interior furniture to be as secure as possible.
Although fixing furniture to the wall with screws is common, you might be prohibited to put holes in the wall because of the lease. The followings are some ways to avoid damaging both furniture and walls.
You can buy props at furnishing shops, volume sale's shops, and discount store. Fix them to the ceiling and furniture. Especially be careful about a fridge because it is movable with casters. Also, another way is stuff a box in the gap between the ceiling and furniture. Ceiling boxes are often better than props because a box has a wider area to distribute force. Choose a strong cardboard box.
2.家具転倒防止板 (Board)
Lay a board under the front of furniture. It will transfer the center of gravity towards the back and lessen the risk of furniture 's falling forward.
(To prevent shelves from flying out)
There are times during earthquakes when shelves can fly out of furniture which contains shelves. It is not only dangerous, but can also cause the furniture to fall forward because its center of gravity transfers forward. Therefore, fix the doors of furniture containing shelves with a stopper. There are stopper with sucker for a glass door and stopper to tape knob.
4.照明器具などの吊るしものの補強(Reinforcement of other appliances)
It is very dangerous if lights, wall clocks, picture frame, etc fall down. Reinforce them by chains or metal fittings, and be careful about the locations where you hang them (over your bed for instance can be dangerous).
f water leakes through to the unit below your apartment, you will be required to pay compensation for any damage incurred, not only to the owners but also to the tenants who are affected.

Concrete is quite permeable to water. Even a small amount of water can seep through the ceiling or drip down to units below. The bathroom floor is the only floor in your unit that has been completely waterproofed. Do not pour water over the floors to wash them; this applies not only to the living areas but also to the entrance hall, toilet, balcony, corridor, etc.
5.ガス漏れ(Gas leaks)
If you suspect a gas leak, extinguish all indoor fires, stop using gas appliances, and turn off the gas valves in each room or meter. (If you are using LP gas, turn off the valves of all gas cylinders/appliances.) Then open the windows to vent any gas. Immediately contact your gas company, and do not use the gas until the company has performed a thurough check.
* Contact the gas company if you use Toshi gas, or the cylinder dealer If you use LP gas. You may be able to find the phone number on the cylinder or the gas alarm.
In the event of a gas leak, or a suspected gas leak, take care to points 1 to 3.
1.Do not pull the plug of the gas alarm.
2.Do not touch the switch of any electrical appliances or any outlets.
3.Do not turn of the ventilating fan.
LP gas is heavier than the air and gathers low to the ground. Be aware of this, and take care to lift any children or pets out of danger.
6..転落事故の防止(フォールFall プリヴェンションprevention)
A table or other object placed near a railing may enable a child to climb over and thus lead to a fall. Remember not to place such objects near railings.
7.住宅保険(Housing insurance)
Housing insurance refers to: 「home fire insurance」「general housing insurance」 and 「tenant insurance」.
Usually, you will be required to purchase insurance when making a lease contract. The following is a description of the various types of insurance you may be asked to purchase.
Home fire insurance・・・This covers any damage to the building caused by fire.
General housing insurance・・・This covers damage to household effects caused by fire, thunderbolt, explosion, leak, robbery, etc...
Tenant insurance・・・This covers damage caused by the tenant, that was due to negligence on the part of the tenant (ex-fires caused by cigarettes, candles, water damage from a leaking washing machine, etc...) If the general housing insurance you enter doesn't guarantee damage cased by the tenant, you can add tenant insurance as well to your contract.